This is a great partner game or individual during centers. Great for use during morning work to review skills or during math centers.
This unit helps with number recognition, counting on and partner skills if playing together.
Roll 2 dice and count the total. Cross out that number in the top row. If it is already crossed out on the top row, move down to the next row.
Keep playing until one person has crossed out the numbers 2 – 12 in the first row without crossing out all seven 7s.
If a player covers all seven 7s before crossing out 2 – 12, the game is over…
Common Core Standards: Kindergarten
K.CC.2: count forward from a given number
K.OA.1: represent addition with objects
K.OA 2: solve addition problems and add/subtract within 10
Download the Spring Addition Game
More Addition Games
- Valentine’s Day Doubles Roll, Add, Cover Game
- Grab Bag Addition
- Addition and Subtraction Fact Sort {Snow Globes}

Danielle Collins - Camp Wanna Learn a Lot
I have been teaching elementary special education for 5 years. I love every minute I spend with my Kindergarten to 2nd graders. I have small groups of reading, writing, and math every day. The progress I get to see my kiddos make is simply amazing. I started creating my own resources much more seriously just this winter and am totally addicted. Hope you all find something you can use. Check out my blog for lots of freebies!