I love teaching about penguins every January. It makes returning to the classroom after Christmas break easier since I know we have so much fun planned.
I have put all of the fun activities together in a free unit to share with you. It will work for first grade and second grade and there are activities that can be adapted for more grade levels.
Here is what is included in the free penguin unit:
- mystery word unit kick off activity (making small words from a big word)
- Penguin Writing and Craft (craftivity)
- Penguins can/have/are chart lesson and worksheet
- whole class prediction chart activity for a read aloud
I’ve even included the pieces so you can make the cute penguin craftivity and a penguin writing paper template.
Head on over to my blog to check out my FREE Penguin Mini Unit…
– Originally posted on Teaching Blog Addict
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More Penguins
- Non-Fiction for Kids: Penguins Research Cards
- All About Penguins – Penguin Books, Art and More
- Penguins – Poems for Kids

Jodi - Fun In First
I’m Jodi and I’m a 1st grade teacher in Indiana. I have been teaching for 15 years. My husband and I have three amazing kids that keep us very busy! Blogging has been an amazing opportunity to connect with other teachers all over the world.