How to Make an Attendance Sign-In Board

How do you take attendance in the morning? Do you call names {Ferris Bueller, anyone?} or struggle to remember who usually occupies today’s empty seat? If the answer to either of those questions is YES, or if you just want a caaa-ute new way to keep track of attendance, then read on!

Here’s how I plan on noting attendance this year – with a magnetic attendance sign-in board. I will show you how I made it and give you the free downloads to make it yourself.

I made an attendance board for my first grade class – though you could use this with any grade level where you assign student numbers.

How to Make an Attendance Sign-In Board

Isn’t it bright and cheery?

How to Make an Attendance Board

  1. I used two baking sheets from Dollar Tree. They’re magnetic… any magnetic surface will do!
  2. Then I put mini magnets on the back of colorful numbers and labels.

And that’s IT! Instant attendance board!

How to Use the Attendance Board

All numbers will start on the “I am not here today” side.

As kiddos come in, they are in charge of moving their numbers to the “I am here today” side. Then while taking attendance, I can glance at the board and quickly see who’s missing!

I plan on having an “Attendance Officer” who will make sure students are moving their numbers. The attendance officer will also move the numbers back to the “I am not here today” side at the end of the day.

Learn more and grab your free set of numbers and labels…

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Teri - A Cupcake For The Teacher

Hi There! I'm Teri, and I am a blessed mama and wife. I love to laugh, shop, create and teach first grade.