Practice synonyms with fun poke cards. Here is a set of 18 synonym cards with a monster theme that are self checking. Students in fifth grade can read the underlined word and poke the correct synonym. Using a set of printed out cards and a coffee stirrer, you’re all set to use these free download monster themed poke cards.

Synonyms Poke Cards Center Activity
Print the 18 cards and cut apart. Each poke cards needs 3 holes punched – right on top of a monster. Students read a high-quality vocabulary word used in context of a short phrase. They push the coffee stirrer into the hole of the correct monster that lists the matching synonym. They flip the card (and poker) over to see if their selection is correct. This makes it a self-checking synonyms activity and perfect for language arts centers.
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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.