Make poetry fun with poetry center activities. Here is a free set of center printables to set up 6 poetry centers for sixth grade. Students will read poetry, create poems of different kinds and use technology to write a poem. Even if students aren’t very comfortable with their own poetry writing skills, they will have six opportunities to prove to themselves that they are highly capable!

Featured From Teaching Idea Tuesday
Poetry Centers Free Download
Writing lots of poetry in a variety of ways will keep students on their toes. Use the free printable directions to set up and direct students how to complete each center. Students can complete a holiday or color poem online, compose a DaDa poem and a biography poem. Reading poetry, completing a word search and compose a poem based on a dice roll is also included.
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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.