10 Insanely True and Funny Teacher Quips

Being a teacher has many perks and equally, as many challenges. Here are just a few hilarious and true quips about teachers in summer captured in the form of a meme. Since we work the equivalent of a full calendar year condensed into the school year, summer off is a well-deserved perk. These memes have swept across teaching blogs and facebook pages and if you’re a teacher – just read a few and you’ll know why!

10 Insanely True and Funny Teacher Quips

Summertime Teacher Memes

Raise your hand if you can relate! {wink}

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Ah summer… the time when teachers become human again.

"The summer is going by so slow," said no teacher ever.

“The summer is going by so slow,” said no teacher ever.

Summer: the time of year when parents realize just how grossly underpaid teachers actually are.

Summer: the time of year when parents realize just how grossly underpaid teachers actually are.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Ah summer… When teachers don’t have to wait for a bell to use the bathroom.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

I’m a teacher. It’s never too early for a nap in the summertime.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Three weeks into summer vacation and I finally understand why my parents looked forward to Labor Day.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Right now parents across America are thinking, “Man the teachers WERE right about my child all along.”

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

“I hate summer,” said no teacher ever.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Showing a teacher “Back to School” ads in July is like waving a cross at a vampire. It burns! It burns!

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

“Wait… what day is it?”, said the teacher on summer vacation.

6 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Need More? Check out the rest of the 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions…


Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.