Here are just a few funny and clever things you’ll never hear from teachers captured in the form of a meme. These memes have swept across teaching blogs and facebook pages and if you’re a teacher – just read a few and you’ll know why!
Don’t say you can’t relate to at least one!
You’ll Never Hear a Teacher Say
“I can’t believe how slowly summer is passing!”
“Well since you are raising your hand, kneeling on your chair, AND yelling my name, I’ll just rush over and help you first!”
“I do this for the money,” said no teacher ever.
“Spring Break is just oo long and I miss my students dearly.”
“I wish every week was the week before winter break!” Said no teacher ever.
“I’m so looking forward to the class Halloween party!”
“I choose to teach because you get to leave at 2:45 every day,” said no teacher ever!
“I’m so happy Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year!”
“I can’t wait to do lesson plans all weekend long!” said no teacher ever.
“I”m all caught up!”
“Go ahead, little Johnny, say it one more time…”
“The kids were so well behaved… AND it was a FULL MOON today!”
Need More?
Check out the rest of the 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions…
- 6 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions
- 8 Honest and Prodding Teacher Political Memes
- 10 Insanely True and Funny Teacher Quips
- 20 Humorous and Lighthearted Realities of Teaching
Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.