Its that time again – I’m featuring my teaching ideas to use this week from last Tuesday’s linky party. I hope you find something fantastic that you’d like to make or teach this week, I know you’re going to love this creative set!

These are just the top 5 teaching ideas that I had time to highlight, you’ll see many more on Teach Junkie and featured on our facebook page. So a huge thank you for those who took the time to link up their fabulous teaching ideas!

3. Ladybugs Emergent Reader – Many primary grade levels teach life cycles as part of their science curriculum. Here is a free emergent readers designed for first grade that is great at breaking down the life cycle of a ladybug. You’ll also fins a response sheet included. {Free download}

2. Ice Cream Float Science – Who doesn’t love when ice cream and science combine? Here is a fun way to experiment with fizz and foam as students test out the best ways to create a float. If you’re going to bring in ice cream floats the last few days of school, be sure to also check out this sample of “how to” writing into your lesson plans. You can take these ideas and make them your own.

5. Pow Wow Sharing – Learn how to teach respect and listening skills as this teacher shares about how she brings a “Pow Wow” into the classroom. You’ll love that she creates a meaning for each part of the time, creating focus for the lesson and the community it creates. [no longer available]

4. Animoto for Social Studies – If you like to have students create projects to summarize their learning, then this tip may be for you. Find out one teacher’s tips on how she uses a free Animoto tool online to help her 6th graders synthesize their new knowledge. She shares their created products and gives the low down on how to make it happen. {Free download}

3. Summer Countdown – This download is designed to give you a set of countdown activities for third grade but can be used for other grade levels too. Create a countdown chain and get students writing by having them predict what might occur tomorrow, write about which activity was their favorite in a week’s time or create their own countdown chain for a character in a familiar book based on their profile. {Free download} More summer countdown ideas.
Are you wondering what was the most popular {or most clicked on} idea from the party was? Well… it was Ladybugs Emergent Reader.
Thanks ladies. Your ideas are wonderful! Feel free to grab the “I’m a Featured Teach Junkie” blog button as your ideas are definitely worth the shout out. {yesirree}
You can view all of the ideas linked up HERE. If you have a blog, be sure to check in on Tuesday when you can link up your favorite or most recent teaching tip like something you made, taught, a lesson or a fun tip. Also, don’t forget to check out the Teach Junkie Facebook page for even more creative ideas, free downloads and tips.
Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.