Over my 20 years of teaching I’d venture to guess that I probably bought at least 50 sets of alphabet letters to use for bulletin boards and games in my classroom.
I’ve cut out and then laminated and then cut out again so many little letters and numbers that I’m sure one day I’ll end up with carpal tunnel syndrome!
After so many years of buying them, I got smart.
Now, instead of buying letters and numbers, I just create them myself!
So if you’d like some new sets without having to purchase them, then this is your lucky day!
Here are the different sets of letters I’ve made.
Click any picture to take you to that set.
This polka dot rectangle shape word wall alphabet card is also available in pink and black!
Each time I make and post a set I get requests for different colors or shapes or sets of numbers so if you don’t see something you need – just let me know and I’ll be happy to make some for you!
{I just noticed that most of these are polka dot sets – maybe I should do some that are stripes or solids?}
Come on over to download your very own FREE sets!

– Originally posted on Teaching Blog Addict
More Classroom Printables
- 27 Classroom Poster Sets: Free and Fantastic
- Bathroom Posters {Free Printable}
- Printable Chalkboard Word Wall Headers {Free}
My life is full of sweet blessings from God - both big and small. I'm a wife, mother, step-mother, daughter, sister, friend, former teacher or gifted and talented and an Instructional Technology Coordinator.
I'm a technology nerd, a fast talker, and an insomniac. I'm a southern girl who loves to cook for my friends and family. I'm addicted to Sonic Diet Coke and proud of it. I'm a bit OCD and baking is my therapy.
No matter how crazy life gets, blessings always abound in my life! I am blessed indeeed!